On Friday April 17, StarTV is starting reruns of Medcezir, an internationally award winning romantic drama led by the talented young actors Cagatay Ulusoy and Serenay Sarikaya. Loosely based on Fox Network’s The O.C., Medcezir is a stylish, modern series that deviated significantly from the original, giving it a life and rhythm of its own. Yaman (Cagatay Ulusoy) is a boy who was born on the wrong side of the tracks with one hand always on the door, having never learnt the true meaning of love. After he’s adopted by the Serez family and welcomed into the wealthy enclave of fictitious Altinkoy, Yaman becomes the anchor that pulls a core group of friends together. Mira Beylice (Serenay Sarikaya) falls in love with the handsome Yaman, while Mert Serez (Taner Olmez) finds love with his childhood crush and Mira’s best friend, Eylul (Hazar Erguclu). What might seem like a light teen romance is masterfully transformed under the talented producers of Medcezir, which captures many adult themes concerning loyalty, love, acceptance, ambition and integrity. Originally on air 2013 - 2015 with a stunning production featuring an all-star cast, airtight script from a team led by Ece Yorenc, and an astounding soundtrack from Toygar Isikli (here), Medcezir became the 5th most successful Turkish TV series in terms of net sales. In addition, Cagatay and Serenay revealed their formidable musical talents by lending their voices for many of the songs on the show. We also see many young stars in the show who have gone on to make a bigger name for themselves since such as Aybuke Pusat, Ozge Gurel, Miray Daner and more. Check out the extended trailer for the show below and find out more about Cagatay Ulusoy on any of the social platforms for Cagatay Ulusoy North America. Medcezir will air on StarTV on Fridays at 8 pm Turkish time.
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February 2022